As I think about my last semester as an undergraduate student and reflect on the last four (and a half) years, I’ve been thinking a lot about what has defined my academic experience here at Texas A&M. And I can without a doubt tell you that the minor and certificate I’ve earned along the way have greatly impacted my time here and my confidence in my education. If you’re unsure about whether or not it’s worth it to add these on to what I’m sure is already a difficult course load, please take a minute to think about the possible benefits that they can hold for you!
Vocation: More Than Just a Job
I want to encourage you, as a fellow student, to begin the process of thinking about your vocation or some of your passions while you’re in college so that you can go into the workforce with confidence in what you want to do, but more importantly in WHY you want to do it.
5 Things to Experience in Bryan/College Station Before You Graduate
I think it is safe to say that College Station may not be known as the most exciting place to live outside of the Texas A&M campus. A lot of people actually end up going out of town to go do something fun, even for a day trip. But, over the years that I’ve lived here as a student, I’ve discovered a lot of places and activities that really are unique to this area and are so worth doing while here! Here are 5 of those things that I think are musts if you live in the B/CS area for any amount of time.
What do summer camp and engineering have in common?
Does my job at summer camp have anything to do with engineering, you may ask? Well, it may not directly have anything to do with it, but this job taught me how to bring life into perspective and how engineering fits into my life in a broader sense. I learned three important lessons
I think that many students have similar experiences with cycles of stress and procrastination. Thankfully, over the summer before my junior year, I decided to work hard on my time-management skills and deal with the stresses of school in a healthy way.
The Importance of Doing Your Research
Last September, I received a mass email from my academic advisor advertising a student research position with a lab on campus that I had never heard of called the Office of the Texas State Chemist (OTSC). This email launched a year-long journey that gave me one of the best experiences I could’ve asked for. Because of this experience, I think all undergrads should make it a priority to be involved with research at some point.