After having an extended spring break and binge-watching all the shows I was putting off during the semester, starting classes again online was a pretty big jump. While I may have trouble following these tips myself, here are some things I am doing to try and be successful during distance learning.
Professional Societies – Getting Involved Beyond the Student Organization
Joining one of the dozens of engineering student organizations at Texas A&M is integral to the student experience for many Aggies. Many of the groups are student chapter versions of national and global professional societies, which you can transition to after graduation. Engaging with these professional organizations as a student can lead to unique networking and leadership opportunities!
Ten Lessons I’ve Learned through Transferring
If you would have asked me my senior year of high school if I would be an Aggie engineering student, I would have laughed… But here I am, getting ready to graduate from Texas A&M with my engineering degree. As I reflect on lessons learned through my transfer experience, there are ten things that come to mind.
How a Good Ag Builds a Spaceship
Since graduating from Texas A&M back in 2017, I’ve been working for Boeing, where I’ve contributed to the design of several different space vehicles. For the past 6-months, I’ve overseen the production of Starliner, Boeing’s new manned space capsule. I’d like to share some wisdom I’ve gained along the way and offer an idea of what life can be like for an Aggie engineer post-graduation.
Small Things That Can Make Someone’s Day Great
My first few months at Texas A&M were not the most exciting times of my life. I tried everything I could think of to make my college experience as great as it could be. From being overly involved in a myriad of activities to ensuring my studies were up to speed, something was really lacking. It wasn’t until later in my sophomore year that I decided to slow things down and focus on what truly did matter to me. It wasn’t trying to get poster-child grades or doing the most with my time, but rather leaving an impact on each person I interacted with every day.
Why You Can Afford to Go Abroad
I can say with certainty that going on a reciprocal educational exchange program early in my academic program was the most important experience I have had. I chose to write this blog to share how you can afford to go abroad, and why you need to go now.
NASA’s 6.2 Million Gallon Swimming Pool
Yep! That’s right, NASA has a giant swimming pool in Houston: The Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory.
What brought you here of all places?
Apprehension, excitement, uncertainty: I felt it all when I thought about becoming an Aggie. This was one of the most terrifying yet most rewarding decisions of my life.
Self-improvement by design: A conversation with computer science major Reed Hampton
Reed Hampton shares his experiences as a Texas A&M Engineering student and how they have had an impact on his life.
Global Experience Q&A with Ria Rao ’19
We sat down with biomedical engineering student, Ria Rao to talk about her study abroad experiences. Check out what she had to say!
Aggies Invent Reflection with Aditi Panchal
I recently had the opportunity to take part in one of Texas A&M’s most rewarding experiences — Aggies Invent. I’d heard from upperclassmen, professors and even friends from other majors, that Aggies Invent was one of the best opportunities for engineers at the university. I read about it and definitely knew it was something I wanted to be part of. So when I learned that I was selected to participate, I was extremely excited and started looking into the topic as much as I could to try to compete as a freshman in a competition offered to all – including graduate students and Ph.D. candidates.
Global Experience Q&A with Adam Curtis ’19
We sat down with electrical and computer engineering student, Adam Curtis to talk about his study abroad experiences. Check out what he had to say!