What does graduating from Texas A&M with an engineering degree feel like? Well, imagine making your favorite meal. You gather the ingredients, decide how you’ll cook it, and follow the recipe. After setting the table and choosing the appropriate utensils, you should have something delicious to eat. But in a fraction of the time that it took you to cook it, you finish the meal. And that’s it. It’s over.
Engineering & Student Senate: 3 Ways They Overlap
I can remember the first day I became a student senator like it was yesterday. I was blissfully taking my evening nap in my room when suddenly, a text wakes me up to exciting news – I was elected as one of the nine student senators for the College of Engineering for the 70th session of Student Senate.
To Intern or Not To Intern
There’s so much to love about summer internships. Aside from gaining work experience, getting paid and increasing your network, summer internships are awesome for building your independence and transitioning into the “real world” after college.